I have been waiting for a change to review this beer as long as I started the blog, and now, after new shipment of this great beer arrived in my home town's shopping hell, I finally have a chance to introduce to you propably the best indie beer in "keskiolut"-category (or class III taxation level in Finland, which categorizes beers with alcohol level between 3,7 and 4,7 alc vol, and is the highest level of alcohol allowed in normal groceries in Finland - only alcohol monopoly Alko is allowed to sell other beers). Sinebrychoff have published splendid beers this autumn (Like Nikolai Vuosiolut 2012 and Karhu Ruis), so this maybe not the best Finnish beer in groceries nowadays, but still is among the very best.
Colour is brown, maybe amber, not yellow at least, very nice looking. Head looks fine too, but goes away very soon. Taste however, is very good, especially the first bite, not so much the aftertaste. Alcohol level is only 4,2% vol, so there are great aromas here, that don't even need boost from alcohol, like some more "special" indie beers I have reviewed earlier (Like Savu Kataja and Kievari Porter). Crystal-malts are the origin of this beers great colour, and English Fuggles-hops give the aroma (these info bits I read from the back of the bottle).
Sadly there are not any story to be told about this beer, but I reckon, that if this remains to be sold through the years - which I sincerely hope - there will be lots of stories to be told to my grandchildren in time and at nighttime I will be drinking Prykmestar Pale Ale with my cigarillos and smile to the life lived and beyond (continuing in children and their children).
**** Great
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