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'Cause Every Beer Deserves a Story

I'm a beer enthusiast. Beer is not just a drink - it's the drink of drinks, and (for me at least) a hobby - even a lifestyle. As soon as I drank my first few beers as a young dude, I was sure, that this is my favorite for life. Never have I tasted better wine, whisky, milk, soft drink, water, juice, coffee or any other drink, that could be compared to beer. I'd love to live with beer tap at home. Still I'm nothing compared to Homer Simpson ;)

In reality I'm a regular guy with family and a day-job. Maybe some dudes can just drink beer whenever they want and live their lives, but I must take care of my children, drive car and work sober. Also it is quite certain, that I would be dead already, if I had just drank beer all day long after starting the joyous journey when I was 17 yo. Now, 20 years later, I enjoy my few beers mainly at evenings trying not to get as drunk as I surely was too often when I was a younger dude.

This blog was inspired by my old friend, who reviewed one rocking wine by writing in his funny and witty style. Well, I know I'm not funny and certainly not as witty as him. My mission is just to write about my beloved beer. I wanna write about drinking, enjoying, loving beer. I shall do it one beer at a time and will not spit in any labels direction. This is a journey of respecting the best stuff man can ingest. Every beer is a possibility - even all those piss-like lagers, as there is nothing else to pick in my local grocery shop :)

Finally, I have to warn you all beer-hifi-enthusiasts that may (or rather possibly not) pop here that I am in no way any specialist of beers, have not drank beers in many countries (mainly in Finland, and only a bit in Denmark and Czezh some twenty years ago...) or in local breweries/pubs, because I'm in that "specialist-sense" more like a Homer than a beer guru (and despite I am again referring to Homer Simpson, I also mean that I mainly drink at home, alone :D). I don't necessarily know the right vocabulary or the terms, nor use the right glasses to drink different kinds of beers or drink the beers in right temperature etc. I hope that I still can show in my "reviews" the love that I have for the beer - the drink of people (in reference to the saying "wine is a drink of gods"...)

Hope you'll enjoy. Cheers!

PS. I have no rights to any pictures here, but I hope I haven't done any big crime, 'cause I just love my beers and want to write about them and maybe have other people drinking them too. I'm actually endorsing everyone to have beers and want just to brighten my reviews with approriate pictures, that usually are for commercial purposes, though my blog is just non-profitable hobby-talk.
