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I have to start with my absolute favorite of them all...

If I was to be left on a deserted island with just one (crate of) beer, I would pick Duvel. It is the beer every beer lover (and by that I mean beer enthusiasts like me - who are in to beers as a species of drinks which one prefers over the other drinks) should taste at least once in a lifetime. Duvel is not your "everyday beverage" but rather a drink for special occasions. It may not be your favorite, but you will surely remember it's uniqueness. I surely do (because as writing this first "review", I regrettably have no Duvel to drink...but I will correct my mistake soon enough!)

Duvel translates into Devil, and despite I'm an atheist, I surely understand why - and shall praise this "devil", as I enjoy the magnifique of Belgian golden ale. This beer is quite strong (8,5% vol) and it will get you dizzy and eventually drunk in no time. That it will do as a devilish encounter as well. You are just zipping this slightly misty ale and soon something hits you in the head *boing* and you are in hell...of a ride. This may be my over-enthusiasm, but please understand: When beer lover finds a beer, that stops him/her talking, makes him/her smile and gives a sensation better that sex (or it might be fun to have sex - before or after Duvel), it is something extra ordinary. Most of the beers I have drank through the years are just good. Duvel is off the charts.

Definitely the best beer in the world (imo).

*****+ Absolutely fabulous (with a special honor of being the best beer in the world)
