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iki Beer Yuzu

Weird stuff. Ale including green tea. At first I sense a very sharp taste, like in bulk lagers.  I don’t know is there something wrong with me or the beer, but I can’t even smell anything. Maybe this lacks hoppy aroma (maybe there even isn’t a lot of hops), like those industrial bulk lagers, though this is not lager by definition, this is ale. Well, head is okay, it stays reasonably long time. Foggy yellow stuff. This is also organic beer. 

I had to go google something, as I don’t get the point of this. Well, it’s Belgian, it’s supposed to be some kind of pure japanish style mixture of beer and green tea and yuzu citrus. Bottle of iKi should include as much green tea as a cup of green tea. Freshness is supposed to come from the citrus. 

So, I let the ale warm a bit and a nice thing is that the head is still there after five minutes. I’m also getting some smell through, maybe its that citrus.

Taste is a bit better too, when this is not straight from the fridge temperature. Citrus and maybe that green tea too is getting through. Beer part is the only shitty thing here, as it tastes – for me at least – like a bulk shit, like, well, a very light lager or those Mexican styled easy drinkables.

So, this is a light tasting beer and maybe even a healthy one as it surely has all the antioxidants and whatever healthiness green tea includes. Sure this might be good with some tasty sushi. I might drink this with some spicy food, but this has nothing to do with great beers of the world.

** Drinkable
