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BrewDog Paradox Jura

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Black pours in glass. Head is almost non-existent. Aroma is a bit whisky-like, but mainly some roasted malts, stoutlike.

Taste is quite good. Burned, but in a sensitive way. Aftertaste is not too strong, but this must be the best of those ”whisky-aged” beers I have had lately. This is quite drinkable, actually. This is a very good imperial stout. This has balance, which lacks in some BrewDog beers. This is kinda moderate, but at the same time elegant.

Back to aroma. It's very imperial stoutlike actually. I'm starting to wait, if this has something in its back pocket, but it has not. This is just good stuff. But, and this question is often important: Is this great? I actually can't say. I like this, but there are better beers. Even the earlier AB:12 was better, because it had something unique in it. Must change rating.

Don't get me wrong. This is very good beer. Maybe even great. But in a genre of imperial stouts, this is only good, OK.

*** OK
