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Strong Suffolk

This is a weird one. It says in the bottle, that this a mixture of two ales. One has been aged in barrels for two years, other not. So, this is a mixture of youth and old. Head was nice, earlier, as to now when I actually start reviewing, the head is gone. Let's not get bothered about it, though - remember always, that the Finnish contribution to great beer brewing, sahti, is actually a beer without a head. Should have sahti, you know!

Well, this British ale has two distinctive flaws, I'm afraid. It is served in a transparent (is that the right word...or "see-though"?) bottle, where beer is not gonna preserve long. (You all know Newcastle Brown Ale, that has the same dilemma, don't ya.) Then there's the first bite -problem. It sucks. It's too British for me. I'm sorry you all British Ale lovers out there, but what the fuck it's all about?! This could be very good beer, if it didn't have this British Ale first bite. I don't know, what's it all about, but I'm not a fan of it. I'm just an old, bitter, beer enthusiast ;D

So, is this any good? Well, now I'm having second thought's about that Norwegian trash, so maybe I should think this through. Or maybe I'm just not into British Ale. That has to be accepted, as well. I'm a Finnish hobo/redneck/punk after all, and we Finns do like more strong shit than this "Strong Suffolk". Those who know me, might call me a "soft guy", but I don't wanna drink soft beer, like English Ales often - and unfortunately - are.

** Drinkable
