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Anchor Summer Beer

It's funny - or stupid - that man who calls himself "beer enthusiast", buys a beer from market, which he knows, is a seasonal product and maybe even already spoiled stuff. Well, it is Anchor, man! It's funny - or stupid - also to buy christmas beers and summer beer at the same time. Surely one of them is not fresh anymore. Beer is supposed to be drinked quite soon after its bottled. There are exceptions to the rule, of course (trappist etc), but most of the beers are not good after long storage time. And yet they are stored in shelves of stores in too hot and lighted spaces for months and months too long...

Well. Anchor rules. Let's taste this shit:

Color is very light, head is very nice -but goes away in couple of minutes. Flavors are quite flowery and the taste, well, is quite nice actually, but bulkish. This is 50% wheat beer you know, and I hate most wheat beers :) This has some bitterness in aftertaste, that's actually good (you don't taste piss in your mouth :D). But yeah, I can understand, why this is called Summer Beer. This is an alternative to bulk lagers, I guess.

** Drinkable

(maybe even OK in some summerish circumstances)
