I thought it would be nice to write about beer, and in this blog, even if I don't have any new reviews. So here we go. Something for the road, while waiting new, reviving reviews ;)
I have been enjoying my beer many times after my last review, but there have been other more interesting stuff to do while drinking, such as being with my good friends place and having a good time, then celebrating my 38. birthday and also many nights of watching some quality tv. And by quality I don't necessarily mean any "high profile" or Emmy awarded shows, though there are good ones in that bunch too. I have lately been watching great historic drama Spartacus, that has in it lots of naked people - men and women, lots of violence and lots of blood. People in the series (during ancient Roman Empire) also drink their cheap, slightly better and high quality wines, depending on the status of men. Even slaves have wine, when they party. Well, maybe that's a cultural thing and of course it is. I still prefer beer, as you know.
Spartacus might seem vulgar for some viewers, but for me it's about winning yourself and about greed, revenge, love, lust, hate and other human feelings in their extent. Friendship - and "brotherhood" - is one issue, that goes maybe the furthest (or betrayal for that matter), as it seems to be the hardest human thing of them all. And I know it is. It's easier to fall in (and out) of love, than to have a real friendship, that lasts. I maybe have said sometime, that beer will always be my true friend, but of course I prefer humans as my friends. For my friends: I love you, if you read this :)
Lately I have been drinking lots of Karhu Ruis, which I reviewed earlier. Reason is obvious: Karhu Ruis is sold even in my little neighbourhood grocery. And I like it a lot, lets not forget that. I have written parts of reviews of couple of other beers, but I never had time or was too busy doing other shit, that those never went as far as online. I'll see my notes through someday and maybe I publish new shitty short reviews then.
I had an interesting e-mail from my ex-wife, where she encouraced me in my beer-hobby :) She thought that local beer-tasting-group (she knows some of the dudes) could be a nice hobby for me. Well, I must think about it. Group is on mondays once a month, in a local beer restaurant/bar, and it could be nice, but I don't know...I'm shit at starting new stuff like that, I hate every motherfucking gathering at daycare or school or even work, and family related parties aren't so high in my list either. Well, this beer enthusiast group wouldn't be nothing like that for sure, but there are still people I don't know at all or only by name or by maybe one encounter, so I'm not sure, if it would be worthwhile or a thing to be enjoyed. I live alone with my kids, so my beloved ex-wife volunteered even to come babysitting during those gatherings of beer tasting, but still its monday and workday and schoolday and daycareday, so it would mean that she would have an evening of heavy mothering, which has not gone very well in recent times, if she has to take all three hooligans at once and put them to bed with all the evening-shouting and shit. Of course its also an excuse for me to not go to those beer things, because I'm a loner, but maybe I just want to choose my own hobbies, interests and company for now. Still an interesting offer, that I maybe later think through again and we'll see what happens...
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